During the course of our existence we have accumulated a lot of expertise and experience in the fields of leasing and financing. Add to that our knowledge in international taxation and co-operation. And all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place:
Flieger Law Office is one of the few law firms in Europe to provide legal and financial advice to independent aircraft operators and related industries, or other industries using aircraft for logistic purposes. Our goal is to provide them with the best possible solutions concerning registration, operation, financing, lease and insurance.
We are not saying we are the only one, just that we are one of the few. And in that particular branch of law, we know practically all there is to know. In particular about helicopters and all that goes with it. Besides, whenever or wherever necessary we are assisted by knowledgeable army and air force specialists.
Why would you come to us?
Because we can provide you with the all important legal and financial advice in a prompt, all-inclusive an affordable manner.Even more important: we are located in Europe, where regulations may differ from your country of origin, but where financial implications might be to your advantage.And… consider this: partners in our firm are even members of MCAA, HAI, ISTAT and NBAA.