Toegelaten tot de balie in 1984.
Talen: Nederlands, Frans, Engels, Duits, Spaans, Italiaans en Portugees.
Lid van:
Antwerpse en Belgische balie (bevoegd voor alle EC-tribunalen en hoven);
American Bar Association;
International Bar Association;
Internationaal Strafhof te Den Haag
European Association for Chinese Law, (Former Chairman, Standing Committee of the Banking, Foreign Exchange and Monetary Affairs, 1987);
American Chamber of Commerce;
American Belgian Association;
Recognized by the State of Tennessee, USA. Tennessee Economic Development. Corporate Secretary,
Military and Civil Aviation Association (MCAA – Antwerp Airport) Co-Founder and Corporate Secretary;
International Foundation for Public Aviation (IFPA – Co-Founder and Secretary-General);
Swiss Business Council;
Associaçao Internacional de Estudos Juridicos e Economicos,
São Paulo, Brazil (Co-Founder);
International Tax Planning Association;
Institute of Directors, I.O.D., (London);
IOD Zimbabwe;
De Industrieele Groote Club (IGC Amsterdam);
Worldwide Airport Lawyers Association (WALA);
National Business Aviation Association (NBAA);
International Society of Transport Aircraft Trading (ISTAT);
Helicopter Association International (HAI);
Flemish Aerospace Group (FLAG VZW);
Dutch Aviation Group (DAG);
European Aviation Club (EAC).